About “Nik Tavatav Iranian”


“Nik Tavatav Iranian Co.” has been registered in 2014 in registration general office for company and industrial properties of Iran –Tehran.
This is a private and joint-stock company, and the subject of its activity is the export and import of live livestock and raw livestock products; animal feed inputs; Livestock poisons, vaccines, and related equipment; Veterinary medicinal raw materials; Veterinary medicinal preparations; Allowed feed additives for livestock, poultry and aquatic animals; Veterinary medicinal supplements; Biological products and animal, poultry and aquatic vaccines and veterinary laboratory equipment kits.
This company engages in international trade alongside domestic trade.
“Nik Tavatav Iranian Co.” operates in frameworks of “Tavatav Trading Group”.



What does “Nik Tavatav” mean?


“Nik” in Persian means good and honorable, and “Tavatav” is a Persian word meaning strength and power.